Monday, September 05, 2011

10 Day Juice Fast - Day 4

Monday I embarked on a 10 day juice fast. This basically means I eat nothing solid, and replace my meals with freshly juiced fruits and vegetables. I want to chronicle the whole crazy mess here.


Fruit Drink - Nectarine, Red Apple, Pear, Pineapple, Watermelon, Cantalope

I saved half of my breakfast for a late afternoon snack.


Veggie Drink - Carrots, Red Bell Pepper, Mint, Cucumber, Collard Greens, Spinach, Celery, Green Apple

My stomach still thinks a meal is coming at lunch and complains when it doesn't. I feel hungry most of the day, but I have plenty of energy. Did a mile on the treadmill and burned about 100 calories today.


I finished up my fruit juice saved over from breakfast. I am surprised that I still stay as hungry as I do throughout the afternoon.


Veggie Drink - Kale, Celery, Cucumber, Calabasas Squash, Asparagus, Parsley, Mint, Green Apple, Lime

We are pretty well stocked up with veggies for a few days, so I got to go straight home and have my dinner. Walking into the house and smelling the food my wife has made for the kids makes my stomach go crazy.

Weight: 175.4 pounds

weight lost = 1.4 pounds

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